Friday, January 20, 2012

First Entry

I believe art is one of the most important expressions for someone to explore in their own mind, weather it be painting and drawing, or being a musician, because music is also art. There are many types of art in the world and each piece symbolizes an emotion that means one thing to the artist but may mean something different to the on looker. This is what makes art so interesting, an emotion is being left on a canvas, a sculpture and even a song the artist was trying express. The best thing about art is you can put anything together, even something simple and call it art. If a painting looks a little off you can just say you meant to do it that way. It is important to have art in your life because it expresses emotion and ideas that might be hard to put into words or may be taking up to much space in ones mind. When the piece is finished, or even just started it's like you've started to rid a burden that was on your mind, almost in a relieving sense.
As far as my favorite artist goes...i don't really have one, but over the summer at one of the art shows down in Allen town, my mom found a booth with little doll type monsters made of clay. She showed me the website and i think their really interesting, kind of creepy but very well done. She also custom makes dolls for her fans, which are very unique.The artists name is Nicole Jehnsen.this is her link:

One of my favorite forms of art is tattooing, it's very interesting to see tattoos on people and you wonder what the story is behind it and who drew it. It takes real talent to be a tattoo artist because your canvas can't always just be painted over, and it's on someones skin for life. I will probably be posting alot of tattoo art on my blog along with the artists name and their shop.
The first impression i had of this class is that their will be a lot of activities and i can't wait to get into it. Having a blog is definitely new for a class and it seems like a good plan to get our ideas out there to others. I'm exciting to start this class and learn as much as i can about local art and maybe even how to get my pieces out somewhere and noticed.

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