Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Art Collection 1,2 and 3

I wasn't quite sure how to start my collection so for my first piece I searched local artists and found a website where one artist caught my attention.
This piece is called "But I can't see Beyond Him" by Kristina Martino, i think this piece is done very well and realistically drawn in pencil on paper of 8"x 10" it was done in 2009. I chose this piece because it reminds me of how love is blind and sometimes you don't see the good that's right in front of you before it is gone. I tried to find out more about the artist but her website isn't in working order as of now.I really like the shading and how nothing was left out of the drawing in that she even kept the trees in the back and made them realistic. All her works are stills from old films.
I found my next piece browsing around:
The piece is simply entitled Vinyl Butterfly made by Paul Villinski. I chose this piece because butterflies are significant in my life. I love how this piece was put together and how one side of the butterfly doesn't match the other, sort of like it's fading away, when usually, each side of a butterfly is symmetrical. also that it was constructed not just out of many little butterflies but discarded records. This caught my attention because it's a different way to show music in art form as a sculpture. I looked up the bio on Paul Villinski on his website. The one thing i like about this artist is that he is he is concerned about environmental issues so all his art works are composed of discarded items. His pieces are mainly metaphoric of  flight and soaring and the artwork is represented in New York by Morgan Lehman Gallery.
This is the only piece i could get a picture of on here but i like some of his other ones more:

This next painting is an abstract oil based, on a canvas 16"x20" by Kristine Morgan, entitled: Steam Bath. I chose this piece because the others in my collection are more straight forward and are able to tell what they are. This one is more of a piece you can think of in any way and each person will have their own interpretation of it. In this painting i see a use of fluid colors as if they are some kind of motion, with spots of white that could suggest water as if it were a type of bath. Kristine Morgan came from Canada and is living in Brooklyn. Her paintings suggest themes of wedding and carnivals meant to be scrutinized by the onlooker.


  1. That butterfly scultpture is so pretty!! The ones missing on the right make it seem like there flying away!

    1. check out the ones on his website theres some better ones this is the only pic i could get onto here tho lol

  2. I love the artwork you chose! Very delicate and feminine! I love it!
